The School
The school
The village had a school a long time ago, unfortunately, we do not have any sources about its origin. Recordings between 1732 and 1783 show, that the inhabitants of Hodos were banned from employing teachers.
The first teacher was taken into one's service in 1774, but he wasn`t too popular in the village. From 1783 to 1883 thirty teachers were teaching in the school. The most important among them were: György Szathmári, a man known as Mihály deák and Peter Simon. Until 1945 other notable teachers were working here: Gyula Nagy, János and Dezső Czirók, Lajos Páncél, Teréz Demény (the first woman) and Gyula Végh.
Official papers show that a new school was finished by the Church on 20 February 1932. In 1945 it was nationalized, 152 children were going there. From 1994 it became property of the Church again. In recent years the school is run by the self-government of Hodos, the Slovak and Hungarian schools are headed by Erika Domsitzová and Erika Méhesová, respectively. Around 24 children are going there. The teachers are: Lívia Süke and Marcela Pódaová.